Course curriculum

    1. Book Of Wisdom

    2. Human Health Guide PDf

    1. Concious & Sub Concious Mind

    2. Reprograming The Subconcious Mind

    1. Introduction To Manifestation Mastery

    2. 7 Universal Laws

    3. Planes Of Existence

    1. The Human Energy Field

    2. Maintaining The Human Energy Field

    1. Inner & Outer Intentions

    2. Frequency, Vibration & Law Of Attraction

    3. Additional infomation

    4. Common Mistakes

    1. Affirmations

    2. Visualization Meditation

    3. Writing Spells

    4. Sigil Magic

    5. Preying Effectively

About this course

  • £42.20
  • 18 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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